SDLP candidate Rory Farrell vows to deliver fairer society

Rory Farrell.Rory Farrell.
Rory Farrell.
The SDLP leader Colum Eastwood's constituency office manager, Rory Farrell, has said it's an honour to have been selected to run for the party in forthcoming elections to Derry City & Strabane District Council.

Mr. Farrell, who serves on the party’s ruling management committee, said local councils made a big difference to people's lives and people needed real representation at this time of instability.

“Communities across the North are facing unprecedented challenges with the looming threat of Brexit and the lack of political institutions at Stormont. There is widespread uncertainty about what the future holds and there is unease about funding for our health and education systems," he said.

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“Working in frontline politics, I witness this on a daily basis. People are concerned about living standards, the impact of welfare cuts and access to vital services. Given the current political stalemate and stagnation, local councils are the only democratically elected forum where these issues can be raised and potentially addressed," he added.

The SDLP activist, speaking ahead of the formal announcement of the party ticket tomorrow, said: “If elected, I pledge to give a voice to families and individuals that are being failed by the current political impasse. School budgets are in crisis, health waiting lists are growing, job creation has stalled, Universal Credit is beginning to bite and the needs of our communities are being neglected due to the political vacuum.

“People deserve better and I will make it my mission to use all the powers at the Council’s disposal to deliver a fairer society.”