SF leadership to update members on political situation at Derry meeting

Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness.Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness.
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness.
Hundreds of Sinn Féin members and activists from Derry City, Strabane and East Derry will gather at the City Hotel in Derry on Thursday night for a political update from the party leadership.

Belfast MLA Gerry Kelly will be the main speaker at the event.

The meeting, which will take place at 7pm, comes just days after Martin McGuinness resigned as deputy First Minister in protest at the handling of the botched RHI energy scheme.

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Meanwhile, the Northern Ireland Secretary is holding talks with the political parties to discuss the crisis caused by the Renewable Heat Incentive scandal.

James Brokenshire is meeting Sinn Féin on Wednesday morning, and plans to have talks with the main parties, and the justice minister, within 24 hours.

Mr Brokenshire said Mr. McGuinness’ move meant an Assembly election was “highly likely”.

The British prime minister Theresa May and Taoiseach Enda Kenny also pledged to do what they could after speaking by phone on Tuesday night.