Shock and anger as police investigating sudden death come under attack

Patricia Logue.Patricia Logue.
Patricia Logue.
Shock and anger have been expressed after the PSNI came under attack while investigating a sudden death in the

The PSNI reported that they were attending an incident in the Rossville Street area and asked people to avoid the area.

Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue called for calm.

She said: “Police are dealing with a tragic incident involving the sudden death of a local person in the Bogside tonight.

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"A number of youths are currently causing disruption and anti-social behaviour in the surrounding area. This is only adding to the grief and shock felt by residents in the Bogside tonight.

“I would make a call for calm and appeal to parents to make it their business to ensure their children are not getting caught up in this type of activity.

“Even during the worst days of the conflict people in the community always let the police go about their job of investigation during incidents such as this.”