Shopping centre thieves returned for more goods - Colr.

Northside Shopping Centre in DerryNorthside Shopping Centre in Derry
Northside Shopping Centre in Derry
SDLP Councillor Brian Tierney has said that those behind the break in at a Derry shopping centre have no regard for the impact that their actions are having on vital services within the local community.

Mr Tierney was speaking after a barbers shop, chemist and other businesses were targeted in an overnight robbery at Northside Shopping Centre on Glengalliagh Road.

One culprit was captured on CCTV rifling through the desk at Bareknuckle Barbers’ shop and stealing the float and tip jars.

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Colr. Tierney said: “The thieves broke in through the barbershop in the early hours of the morning, went through the shopping centre and made off with a number of items.

“However, it appears that one visit was not enough for them, as not long after they left, they came back made off with more goods.

“Those behind this crime have given no consideration to the effect their actions have had on local businesses and vital services within this community, such as the chemist within the centre which was targeted.

“I am appealing for anyone who may have seen anything untoward around the shopping centre last night to come forward to the police as soon as possible.”