Stolen family pet returned to owners

'Pixie', the Chihuahua.'Pixie', the Chihuahua.
'Pixie', the Chihuahua.
A Derry family's pet dog that was stolen by thieves has been returned to its owners.

'Pixie', the Chihuahua was taken last week but after an appeal was returned on Sunday.

"'Pixie' has been located and returned to her rightful owners ," wrote PSNI Foyle on Facebook.

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"Needless to say they were as delighted to see her as we were.

"Many thanks for all the help we have received from the public, we could not have returned her without your help!!

"Police enquiries are still ongoing.

"This also proves the importance of having your pet chipped, as this is how we were able to confirm who she was.

"Unfortunately it brought a tear to my eye again as I had to give her back," said the PSNI."

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