'˜Strexit': '˜Them and us attitude has to change' Colr. warns

Strabane town centre and the Guildhall in Derry city centreStrabane town centre and the Guildhall in Derry city centre
Strabane town centre and the Guildhall in Derry city centre
Local Councillors in Derry have said the 'them and us' attitude must stop, amid claims that Strabane was not getting the same level of service as Derry.

The issue was raised by Independent Colr. Paul Gallagher during a Performance Review over a year on from the amalgamation of the two councils and tabled at Derry & Strabane’s Governance & Strategic Planning Committee meeting.

Colr. Gallagher mentioned the ‘Strexit’ (Strabane Exit) social media presence, adding that “day and daily” he was hearing from people who had concerns over parity of services. “They feel they have they have been short changed,” he said, claiming that there were examples of private enterprises in Derry city being subsidised.

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“It seems to be city, city, city and other ratepayers are getting left behind,” he added.

UUP Councillor Derek Hussey said he too had concerns and said he was “ashamed” to be a councillor after witnessing the state of Castlederg Cemetery.

Sinn Fein Colr. Maoliosa McHugh said there seemed to be an agenda from some to “victimise the people of Strabane.”

SDLP Colr. John Boyle said: “This ‘them and us’ attitude has to change.

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“We have been listening to it for a couple of years now. Castlederg is no different to me complaining about things that don’t get done in my DEA (District Electoral Area).

“We need to get real,” maintained Colr. Boyle.