'˜Support Trocaire Palestine appeal'

Fathi Shabana (65) is a farmer from the Shilo Valley in the northern West BankFathi Shabana (65) is a farmer from the Shilo Valley in the northern West Bank
Fathi Shabana (65) is a farmer from the Shilo Valley in the northern West Bank
People across the north west have been urged to support the Trocaire Christmas appeal to help humanitarian efforts in Palestine.

Sinn Féin Councillor Colly Kelly has urged people across Derry ,Donegal and Tyrone to purchase humanitarian gift cards, with the money spent here being distributed to those Irish charities working on the ground in Palestine.

Efforts are ongoing to help the tens of thousands affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis there, and to get food, water and urgent medical supplies to local people.

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Colr. Colly Kelly said: “A lot of what goes on in Palestine on a daily basis has been ignored by much of the world’s media. So it’s very important that we support charities that are in there doing much needed work on the ground.

“One of Trocaire 2016 gifts for just £4 is buying an Olive tree.

“The olive branch is a symbol of peace and reconciliation throughout the world. It is especially poignant in Palestine where Israel’s occupation has forced many olive farmers from their land and destroyed ancient olive groves.

“Your thoughtful gift of new olive trees will provide Palestinian families with a valuable source of income for generations to come.

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“It will also help support Palestinian and Israeli organisations working for a just and lasting peace.”

He added: “There are ways people in Derry , Donegal and Donegal can practically help those vital aid relief efforts by supporting Irish charities such as Trócaire. They have been working in Israel and in Gaza since 2002 and are supporting local organisations on the ground, who are distributing urgent medical aid to vulnerable people there.”