Survey work to start at Boom Hall next week

Boom Hall.Boom Hall.
Boom Hall.
The planned regeneration of the historic Boom Hall site on Derry's riverfront will take an important step forward next week with the start of survey work.

Large scale machinery that will assist in carrying out a detailed condition survey of the old house at Boom Hall, its stables and adjoining walled garden, is expected to arrive on site next week.

The work will commence following the recent appointment by Derry City and Strabane District Council of a conservation architect-led multidisciplinary consultant team to carry out a detailed condition survey of the structure and building fabric of the Boom Hall site.

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This survey work will form a key component of the conservation management plan that the appointed consultant team is compiling on the house and stables and their surrounds on behalf of Council.

Access to the site and the adjacent greenway will be restricted while this work is carried out and the public are urged to adhere to any safety signage on display on site.

It is anticipated that the survey work may take up to two weeks to complete.

A spokesperson for the Council said: “This work is a key initial step towards our overall objective to identify the wider potential development options for the Boom Hall site and its historic buildings and structures. We remain committed to the regeneration of the Boom Hall Estate ​as a key heritage and recreational asset for citizens and visitors. We recognise the significant recreation, tourism, heritage and leisure potential of the Boom Hall Estate and we are keen to ensure the site and its surroundings are optimised for these purposes for the benefit of citizens and visitors.”