Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to address Derry businesses

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, TD (Photo by Matt Mackey / Press Eye.)Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, TD (Photo by Matt Mackey / Press Eye.)
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, TD (Photo by Matt Mackey / Press Eye.)
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar will be arriving in Derry later this week to address the city's business community.

Mr Varadkar was invited by the Derry Chamber of Commerce to deliver the keynote speech at the 60th annual Chamber President’s Dinner.

The event, which is sold out, will take place on Friday, October 13, in the White Horse Hotel.

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Mr. Varadkar is expected to speak about Brexit and the challenges facing businesses living in the border area.

Speaking ahead of his visit, Sinead McLaughlin, chief executive of Derry’s Chamber of Commerce said they had written to Mr Varadkar when he was acting Taoiseach and he had accepted the invitation to attend.

Ms. McLaughlin added: “The Good Friday Agreement and Brexit remain top of the priority list for the Irish government, and that kind of solidarity and show of support for us here is very welcome.

“Not only is the Taoiseach coming but he is also bringing his top team of eight people with him, those who are working on Brexit.”

Peter Boyle, co-founder and Chief Executive of Argento Limited, will also be addressing those gathered.

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