Foyle Search & Rescue tasked to vessel in distress

Foyle Search and Rescue file image.Foyle Search and Rescue file image.
Foyle Search and Rescue file image.
Foyle Search & Rescue were this morning tasked to assist with a boat with five people on board in distress.

Just hours after the Maiden City celebrated its biggest ever Hallowe’en parade and fireworks display over the River Foyle last night, pagers from the local charity were activated at 05:18am by the Police Service of Northern Ireland to reports of a vessel in distress on the River Foyle.

In a statement released via social media, Foyle Search & Rescue stated today: “It was initially ascertained that the vessel had lost power and was adrift and had five persons on board.

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“Members of FSR’s Emergency Response Teams (ERT) were en route in freezing conditions to the last reported location of the vessel.

“ERT prepared on arrival for a transfer of crew and planned to place the vessel under tow.

“Foyle Search & Rescue Land crews responding in conjunction with the PSNI re-established contact with the vessel’s coxwain.

“It was then ascertained that the vessel had drifted in to a safe harbour, was sound and had moored up with all five crew on board accounted for safe & well.

“FSR Emergency Response Teams were then stood down.”