Transport hub plans '˜progressing well' - government

The former Waterside Railway Station. 2001JM65The former Waterside Railway Station. 2001JM65
The former Waterside Railway Station. 2001JM65
Plans for a multi-modal transport hub in Derry are 'progressing well' but it is still unclear whether they include the Old Waterside Station.

Officials from the Department for Infrastructure (DFI), along with other partners, is awaiting the outcome of a funding bid to the European Union for the major project.

If approved, the Department said it expects the project to take two years to complete, but has failed to clarify whether the hub will centre around the Victorian station - the preferred option to emerge from public consultation several years ago.

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A DFI spokesperson said the Minister’s “firm commitment to developing a 21st century transport hub in Derry is on public record”, adding:

The Department has, along with partners including Derry City and Strabane District Council, Translink and Donegal County Council, taken forward an application for EU funding with the purpose of constructing a multimodal transport hub in Derry. We are currently awaiting the outcome of the application.

“The project is progressing well with design work already undertaken and a business case completed. Funding options have been actively pursued and at this stage the EU and matched departmental sources of finance are both seen as relevant to funding the project.”

He added that this project, combined with delivery of the £45m track relay, which is due to be completed this year, “will transform rail services to and from Derry”.