Tributes to '˜complete gentleman' Brendan

Brendan O'ConnorBrendan O'Connor
Brendan O'Connor
Tributes have been pouring in for '˜complete gentleman' Brendan O'Connor following his death as the result of a road traffic accident at the weekend.

Funeral arrangements were last night still being finalised as Mr O’Connor’s family, friends and the wider community in Culmore, tried to come to terms with the tragedy.

Father-of-three, Mr O’Connor (70), was walking very close to his Troy Park home when he was struck by a car shortly before 7pm on Sunday.

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He was taken from the scene to Altnagelvin Hospital but was pronounced dead a short time later.

Mr. O’Connor was a former chairman of the SDLP’s District Executive in Derry and was responsible for producing most of the campaign material for John Hume during both the Westminster and European elections.

He was also the partner of Foyle MP Mark Durkan’s sister Mo. Speaking about the tragedy yesterday, Mr Durkan said: “Brendan O’Connor was the complete gentleman, committed to his own politics,but always respectful of others.

“Brendan was a natural storyteller and a thoughtful companion as well as a loyal activist who would be straight with his thoughts.

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“His tragic death is shocking for all who knew him from his various professional, cultural, political and social pursuits.”

Mr Durkan added: “It is a tragic loss for his loving family to whom he was devoted.

“I hope that the sincere condolences of Brendan’s wide circle of friends will bring some comfort to his children, grandchildren, siblings and his partner Mo.”

Dozens of local people were yesterday posting messages of condolences on social media, after official confirmation that it was Mr O’Connor who had died.

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Police yesterday said that following the collision, a 43-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of a number of driving offences, including suspicion of causing death by driving carelessly when unfit. The man was has since been released on police bail.

Police investigating the circumstances of the collision have appealed for witnesses to call 101.