Coronavirus: Derry Mayor Michaela Boyle praises community spirit and support for vulnerable in face of COVID-19

Michaela BoyleMichaela Boyle
Michaela Boyle
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council Councillor Michaela Boyle has praised community spirit and the willingness of people across the Council and wider North West area to reach out and support the most vulnerable members of society during this difficult time.

The Mayor was speaking following a meeting she hosted earlier this week with representatives from the Western Trust, the Public Health Agency, community representatives and those involved in the community and voluntary sector to collate efforts to support the most needy in the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

She said the Council would be working closely with the Western Trust and other key statutory and voluntary agencies over the coming days and weeks in an effort to assist in communicating and co-ordinating community resilience efforts across the Council area.

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She said she was inundated with offers of help and assistance from the community and a co-ordinated response to help those most in need was the best approach.

She commented: “This is an unprecedented occurrence, we have never experienced anything like this before. We need to work together to help one another and to reach out to the elderly, the sick and those who are most vulnerable and at risk from this virus.

"I was deeply heartened by the huge amount of goodwill that is out there and willingness of people to do what they can to help. The people of Derry and Strabane are renowned for their common sense and resilience and I am in no doubt that we will get through this difficult time together.

"Our Council is doing what it can to provide key public services during this difficult time and continues to show strong leadership at such a challenging time for us all.”

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Concluding the Mayor urged the public to be mindful of their own health and well-being and to follow the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe and healthy.

Regular updates on Council services as well as signing posting to the relevant authorities sites including the PHA and the Department for Health for accurate advice and information is available on the Council website at