Coronavirus: Three more COVID-19 fatalities brings death toll in Ireland to 247 - 174 in the south, 73 in the north

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Three more people have died in the north after contracting the COVID-19 illness, the Public Health Agency has confirmed.

The latest daily surveillance report shows that three more deaths have sadly been confirmed since yesterday.

Seventy-three people have now died in the north, bringing the total death toll on the island to 247 with the southern Health Protection Surveillance Centre yet to release its daily figures.

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There have been 97 new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in the north since yesterday and 418 new tests.

As of Tuesday there have been 6619 confirmed cases in Ireland - 5364 in the south and 1255 in the north.

In total 9158 individuals in the north have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The definition of a death associated with COVID-19 is an individual who has died within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test.


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