'Degree of uncertainty' remains over when Derry City and Strabane District Council will take over Ebrington

Ebrington was originally supposed to transfer to the Council in 2017.Ebrington was originally supposed to transfer to the Council in 2017.
Ebrington was originally supposed to transfer to the Council in 2017.
A ‘degree of uncertainty’ remains over when Derry City and Strabane District Council will finally take over responsibility for the Ebrington site.

However, the Executive Office aims to have completed all the necessary capital works - such as water and drainage and the restoration of heritage buildings at the former barracks - by the end of 2021/22.

SDLP MLA Colin McGrath, who is the chairman of the Stormont Executive Office Committee, referred to the development of Ebrington during a recent debate on the spring Supplementary Estimates.

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“For Ebrington, there is a degree of uncertainty about when the site will be transferred to Derry City and Strabane District Council.

“However, the Department is working on the basis that it will complete the required capital works on the site by 2021/22, so the capital requirement includes £2·3 million to develop infrastructure and for external repairs,” said Mr. McGrath.

The iconic development site was originally scheduled for transfer from the Executive Office to Derry City and Strabane District Council in 2017.

However, it now appears that that will not happen until the completion of capital works in 2021/22.

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During a recent briefing of the Stormont Executive Office Committee Dr. Mark Browne, Director of Strategic Policy, Equality and Good Relations at the department, said he was confident good progress was being made.

“There has been a lot of investment. A lot of investment has had to go into utilities such as water and drainage and all the things you have to do for environmental heritage-type buildings.

“There are a lot of restrictions on the work that can be done on them, and it is costly, but the site is getting to the point where it is going to blossom, because a lot of the things that have been working in the background for a long time are starting to come through. I am encouraged around it,” said Dr. Browne.

Ebrington was originally supposed to transfer to the Council in 2017.