Private prayer in churches, gatherings of six people, drive-in cinema, concert and theatre to be permitted as COVID-19 lockdown is eased

The Executive has announced a number of relaxations to its lockdown restrictions.The Executive has announced a number of relaxations to its lockdown restrictions.
The Executive has announced a number of relaxations to its lockdown restrictions.
People will be allowed to attend churches for private prayer, drive-in religious services, and drive-in cinema, concert and theatre screenings after the Executive agreed to a further easing of restrictions under step one of its lockdown recovery road map.

Citizens who do not share a household will also be allowed to meet in groups of up to six people outdoors as long as social distancing is maintained.

First Minister Arlene Foster announced the relaxations in a joint press conference with the Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill on Monday afternoon.

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"Churches and other places of worship can reopen their doors for acts of individual prayer provided they can adhere to all of the social distancing and public hygiene requirements," said Mrs. Foster.

She said the risk of re-opening religious venues for prayer was deemed low but asked people to exercise common sense.

"We will, of course, keep under review when would be the right time to permit religious services in places of worship where the buildings are large enough to accommodate social distancing but we ask you all to be patient and we will let you know once the scientific and medical advice indicates it is safe to do so.

"We can also confirm that drive-in religious services will be permitted provided people remain in their cars and that the proper social distancing and hygiene advice is followed," she said.

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Another relaxation under Step 1 of the 'Family and Community' section of the Executive's five-stage lockdown recovery plan is allowing people to meet outside in groups of up to six people.

"The scientific and medical advice has led us to conclude that there can be outdoor gatherings of up to six people from outside the same household providing that social distancing is properly maintained.

"We are not, however, at the time just yet to allow people to meet other family members from other housholds indoors. We understand that's going to disappoint some of you but we'd ask you to remain patient and trust that this Executive, informed by he most up to date scientific and medical advice, is in the best position to guide you when it is safe to do so," said Mrs. Foster.

There are also a number of further relaxations under Step 1 of the 'Sport, cultural and leisure activities' section of the Executive recovery plan.

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"We are very pleased to be able to confirm that drive-in cinemas will be allowed to operate. Concerts and live-theatre may also be facilitated but again all those attending will have to stay in their vehicles and everyone must adhere to social distancing and hygiene guidelines," said the First Minister.