Union wants pay equity forsupported housing workers

Niall McCarroll.Niall McCarroll.
Niall McCarroll.
UNISON is calling on the NIHE and the Department for Communities to ensure frontline workers’ pay rates in Supporting People Services are implemented by all providers of the service.

The union says it understands that as part of a review being carried out by the NIHE and DfC on Supporting People funding that workforce costs will be based on Agenda for Change NHS rates of pay. The programme helps vulnerable people live independently at a number of facilities in Derry.

Niall McCarroll, from the union, said: “It is simply not acceptable for our members, essential frontline workers, to be expected to work within the Supporting People programme and have no protections built into their contracts of employment.”

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A NIHE spokesperson said: “The Supporting People Programme is administered by NIHE on behalf of DfC. It funds organisations to deliver housing support services to vulnerable people, helping them live as independently as possible in the community.

“The programme is delivered through a wide range of provider organisations including statutory bodies, housing associations, private sector companies, voluntary and community organisations. Once funding is granted to the provider organisations, they are responsible for the staffing policies, pay and conditions of their employees. Payment and the salaries of frontline support workers is not managed or administered by NIHE.”

DfC said: “The Supporting People Programme is delivered by the NIHE on behalf of DfC. The Department, despite competing priorities, has retained the Supporting People Programme budget at £72.8m. NIHE decides how much of the £72.8m annual budget is grant aided to Supporting People Provider organisations. A 3 year strategy is being developed by NIHE and when available will be considered by the Minister.”

The NIHE encouraged all organisations funded through the Supporting People Programme to ensure its valued work “attracts a fair rate of pay, and has commensurate terms and conditions of employment.”