Unite health organiser Kevin McAdam describes Derry medical school approval as 'tremendous' for the North West

Kevin McAdam.Kevin McAdam.
Kevin McAdam.
The Unite trade union has said the establishment of a graduate entry medical school in Derry will help achieve sustainable health and social care staffing in the North West.

Kevin McAdam, Unite Regional Officer with responsibility for the health sector in the north welcomed the confirmation by the Executive Office that the long promised medical school at Magee College will open in 2021.

He said it was long-overdue and will make a huge contribution to the local economy in the North West and will underpin the future of Magee College.

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“Against a challenging backdrop for healthcare in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic - this is tremendous news and will provide a much needed lift to people in the North West.

"This project has been driven by those in the health and academic communities who have continued to make the case for a second medical school located outside Belfast. This decision does not just underpin the future of Magee College in Derry but will drive growth in the regional economy," he said.

Mr. McAdam said the establishment of a medical school in Derry will make it easier for the health service to fill vacancies in the Western Trust in future.

"Having a medical school located in the North West will mean that it is much easier to recruit and retain skilled and newly-qualified health and social care professionals in the local health service.

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"Given its location in the Western Trust region, it is hoped that the benefit will extend down the length of the Trust's geography down the western corridor.

"It is vital that this commitment is made real and that students are enrolled to commence courses in the new medical school in little over a year. There is an undeniable demand for additional healthcare staffing which means we urgently must seek to train up and retain our own medics and clinical experts to fill the gap," Mr. McAdam concluded.