Vandals may force weekend closure of Greysteel play park

Rubbish strewn throughout the playpark.Rubbish strewn throughout the playpark.
Rubbish strewn throughout the playpark.
A play park in Greysteel may be forced to close at weekends if vandals continue to target it.

That’s the view of Raymond O’Hara from Greysteel Community Association speaking after a “wrecking spree” at the facility which closed the park on Tuesday.

Mr. O’Hara said the park was littered with rubbish and one of the pieces of equipment, a see-saw, was broken.

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“They just trashed the place and there was rubbish everywhere,” said Mr. O’Hara.

The sea-saw at the park that was damaged.The sea-saw at the park that was damaged.
The sea-saw at the park that was damaged.

Parents are remarking how bad it is and they are annoyed, especially in this good weather when kids want to use it and we have to close. Parents understand, but they are annoyed.”

When asked what he would say to those responsible, Mr. O’Hara said: “We are tired appealing to whoever is insistent on wrecking their own community to stop. They are destroying it for the young children who love using the park. Now, on a beautiful day like today, they can’t use it because of the vandals.

“We may have to close at the weekends if this continues, and that’s no good for anyone. The kids are missing out, but we may have no option but to close at weekends if they keep on damaging it.”

Sinn Fein councillor Dermot Nicholl said he was “disgusted” at the latest vandalism.

“This is a total disgrace,” said Colr. Nicholl. “People need to wise up and stop wrecking their own community.”

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