Video: Disgust in community at shooting of quiet, family delivery man, says Sinn Féin Councillor

A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.
A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.
A Sinn Féin Councillor says a delivery man shot by paramilitaries after dropping off an order to an ill-lit area of Culdaff Gardens in Creggan on Monday was known as a quiet, family man.

Colly Kelly, who represents The Moor area, said there was a sense of disgust in the local community in the wake of the attack.

He said he has spoken with members of the man’s family who are still in a state of shock following the brutal incident during which the man was shot in both ankles.

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He told this paper: “My understanding is that last night there was a man who was going about his daily business, working, doing a delivery to Culdaff Gardens around half ten.

A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.
A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.

“While getting out of the car he was then jumped by four men, with iron bars. It then proceeded that he actually got shot.

“Now, from knowing the family and chatting to the family this morning, this is a quiet man...there really is disgust in the community because the people who know this man, know that he is just a family guy.”

Mr Kelly said it was fortunate the gunmen missed the victim’s main arteries otherwise the results of the attack could have been even worse.

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“I was chatting to a relation of the family this morning..lucky enough they’ve missed all arteries and bones so he’s over in hospital.

“As I say, his partner is still in a state of shock, I would know her quite well. She’s not up to talking to anybody at the minute, because this has come out of the blue and people are just disgusted in the Creggan community regarding it.”

A local woman, who asked not to be named, said: “I just heard a car pulling up really fast and people getting out of the car and gunshots. Then they got back into the car and took off speeding.

“When I looked out the window I seen the fellah coming crawling, on his hands and knees crying out for help.

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“I just can’t get over it really, the kids on the street could have been out playing or anything.”

A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.
A 40 year-old man was shot in Creggan on Monday.

Independent Councillor for The Moor, Sean Carr said: “I’d obviously wish to condemn this. There’s no indication of why this was carried out but whatever the reason it’s wrong and there are ways and means of dealing with whatever issues people may have.”

SDLP Councillor John Boyle said: “There is a very small number who seek to gather support by posing as enforcers of their own perverted justice. It is their aim to drag us back to the past and they must be resisted.

“This kind of criminality has no place in modern society. The brutal nature of this attack is an indication of the barbaric mentality of those who carried it out. Anyone who has any information relating to this crime must contact the police immediately to ensure they are taken off our streets.

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“I express by deepest sympathies for the victim and his family who must be greatly distressed at this time.”

At approximately 10.35p.m., police received a report that a 40 year old man had been shot in both ankles in the area. It is believed that four masked men were involved in the shooting. The 40 year old man has been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries which are not believed to be life threatening.

Chief Inspector Gordon McCalmont said: “I would ask anyone with any information about this shooting to contact detectives at Strand Road Police Station on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference number 1403 of 29/08/16. Or if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”