Waterside fallvictim wished aspeedy recovery

An artist's impression of the proposd new Foyle College at Clooney.An artist's impression of the proposd new Foyle College at Clooney.
An artist's impression of the proposd new Foyle College at Clooney.
The Chair of the Foyle College Board of Governors Robin Young has said that the school wished the young construction work who fell 40 feet on the school's co-location site with Ebrington on Monday a speedy recovery.

Mr Young said the school’s board of governors met with Heron Brothers, the firm currently building the state of the art new school on at the Clooney site on the Limavady Road, the morning following the incident.

The governors were assured a full internal investigation was underway.

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“We absolutely wish the young man a speedy recovery,” said Mr Young.

“On the Tuesday morning the board met with Heron Brothers and were assured they were investigating the incident,” he added.

“It’s very unfortunate that on a big site like this you do have accidents but thankfully it’s only a case of a few broken bones in this case,” said Mr Young.

The young man was taken to Altnagelvin Hospital following the incident on Monday and was described as being in a ‘stable’ condition.

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The incident is being investigated by the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI), which is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standard in the North.

A spokesperson for the Health and Safety Executive confirmed: “It is currently investigating an incident in Co Londonderry in which a construction worker was injured following a fall from height.”

Heron Brothers said the firm was not making any comment when contacted by the ‘Journal’ yesterday.

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