Weapon found in Strabane was '˜designed to kill'

An assault rifle found as a result of an ongoing PSNI investigation into dissident republicans, namely the '˜New IRA', has been found in the Dublin Road Industrial Estate in Strabane.

The weapon, described by the Superindentent Mark McEwan as a military rifle, was ‘designed to kill’ and was found with ammunition on Friday 22nd, January.

The District Commander for Derry City and Strabane described the find as a “good result” for the PSNI and the wider community.

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He continued, “It is a military grade type weapon, and is designed for one thing, and that’s to kill people.

“Primarily we believe it was in the hands of people intent on killing police officers.

“It would have significant power and to use a weapon of this nature in a built up area would be completely disregarding the safety of anyone within that area, particularly members of the community.”

He stressed that while the terrorist threat to police officers remains severe, the PSNI would not “be deterred in providing a policing service to our community.”

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Superindentent McEwan appealed for members of the community to come forward with any information they may have. “I would appeal to anybody with any information about suspicious activity over the last period of time in Strabane area, or anyone with wider information around this type of activity to come forward to detectives here in Strand Road police station or through Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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