Met Éireann issues Yellow Status weather warning for Donegal - heavy rain due imminently

The warning is active from 10:00am on Thursday.The warning is active from 10:00am on Thursday.
The warning is active from 10:00am on Thursday.
Met Éireann has issued a yellow status weather warning for heavy for the entire county of Donegal.

The warning was issued shortly before 9:30am on Thursday morning and is valid between 10:00am on Thursday and 3:00pm on Friday.

"It will stay unsettled and gradually turn cooler over the weekend," said Met Éireann

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"During Friday evening and early Friday night rain will clear northeastwards to isolated showers with good clear spells. Lowest temperatures will fall to around seven to 10 degrees and southerly winds will ease."

What does Yellow Status mean?

Met Éireadefine a Status Yellow weather warning as follows: Weather Alert - Be Aware - The concept behind YELLOW level weather alerts is to notify those who are at risk because of their location and/or activity, and to allow them to take preventative action.

It is implicit that YELLOW level weather alerts are for weather conditions that do not pose an immediate threat to the general population, but only to those exposed to risk by nature of their location and/or activity.

(Source: Met Éireann)

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