'˜We're not going away' - Mica Action Group

Members of the Mica Action Group (MAG)Members of the Mica Action Group (MAG)
Members of the Mica Action Group (MAG)
The secretary of the Mica Action Group has said the group and the problem with defective blocks is not going away.

Eileen Doherty was speaking to the ‘Journal’ ahead of tomorrow night’s public meeting in An Grianan Hotel, Burt, to discuss the findings of the recently published report into defective blocks in Donegal.

“The event on Wednesday is to present the key findings of the report and to allow homeowners to have an open discussion about what our next move is.

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“We have ideas, but we represent home owners and want to do that effectively,” she said.

Ms. Doherty and the Mica Action Group (MAG) had a call with representatives from the Department of Environment on June 15. She said the group expressed their feelings that there was “nothing” in the final report for homeowners, and there was a lack of clarity in relation to a timeline for the recommendations to be completed.

The public meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday night, and Ms. Doherty said the group are “trying to keep the pressure up.”

“We hope there is a big turnout at the meeting. We’re aware the Dail will be shortly going into recess, but we want to ensure it is all taken seriously. We will continue to push forward. The key thing is that we are not going away, the problem isn’t going away and we won’t until the government addresses and deals with the issue,” she added.

For more information visit http://www.micaactiongroup.com/

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