White line picket against '˜internment'

Maghaberry Prison.Maghaberry Prison.
Maghaberry Prison.
The Derry-based Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA) will hold a white line picket at 2 p.m. on Shipquay Street in solidarity with republican prisoners throughout the country.

Patrick Gallagher, a spokesman for Saoradh Doire, which shares offices with the IRPWA at Junior McDaid House, said: “Recent cases of internment such as that of Tony Taylor, Gabriel Mackle and the ongoing extraditions of three Irish Republicans amongst others proves that there is no so called ‘new dispensation’.

“All the facts point to the reality that the British war machine is alive and functioning in the occupied six counties.”

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The Derry branch of the IRPWA explained that December has traditionally been designated prisoners’ month by the organisation and that it was a time when “we, as republicans, rededicate ourselves and do our utmost to support the men and women behind the wire and their families”. The white line protest on Saturday is against what the IRPWA branded the ‘internment’ of people in “British gaols simply for being an Irish Republican”.

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