Woman '˜shaken' following controlled explosion ordeal

The scene of the security alert in Galliagh last night.The scene of the security alert in Galliagh last night.
The scene of the security alert in Galliagh last night.
A woman who walked past a bomb disposal robot seconds before a controlled explosion was 'shaken but uninjured' police have said.

Video footage has emerged of the woman leaving Glengalliagh Park via a walkway next to where the security operation was taking place. Moments later a detonation was carried out on a suspicious package.

A suspicious package, which sparked the security alert on Sunday night, has since been declared an “elaborate hoax”.

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Police this morning issued a reminder of the importance of following their advice and respecting cordons in light of the incident.

Police said that security operations of this nature “bring significant disruption to the community and present challenges to the PSNI as they attempt to minimise disruption whilst keeping the community safe from harm”.

PSNI Inspector Mullan said: “We attended the area following reports of a suspicious object and ATO were tasked.

“ We called to a number of homes in Glengalliagh Park and advised residents to leave their homes.

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“Some residents agreed to leave their homes however a number of residents declined and were advised to remain inside their homes and take appropriate precautions.

“A resident left their home and walked past the suspicious object while attempts were ongoing to make the object safe.

“We spoke to the resident immediately after and, although she was shaken, she was uninjured.

“Our investigation into the hoax device is ongoing and we would appeal to anyone with information to contact us on 101.”

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Commenting after part of the Glengalliagh Road was sealed off last night and while the operation was ongoing, Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney said: “Regardless if this device is viable or an elaborate hoax, this should not be happening.

“It’s senseless and serves no purpose except disrupting the lives of local people.”