Work to establish local Crisis Centre ongoing

Independent Councillor Warren Robinson. DER1816GS029Independent Councillor Warren Robinson. DER1816GS029
Independent Councillor Warren Robinson. DER1816GS029
Derry City and Strabane District Council has confirmed talks to establish a Crisis Intervention Centre are continuing.

The council was responding to questions raised by Independent Councillor Warren Robinson over progress on the project.

The council agreed in July, 2016 to set up a working group to engage with key stakeholders on how the pilot non-clinical Crisis Intervention Service would be funded, set up and operated. In October, the council allocate £40,000 to progress this work.

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Independent Councillor Warren Robinson sought clarification around the time frame for a establishment of a Crisis Intervention Centre.

Colr. Robinson said that progress on such a facility would be “widely welcomed, especially by those family members, activists and ordinary people who put their heart and soul into campaigning for a detox facility for this city.”

He added that a lot of lobbying, campaigning and petition gathering has been undertaken at a grass roots level adding that if any such centre does open it would be down to the “collective effort by thousands of ordinary people across this city and district.”

He added: “I would welcome any progress on the issue given the current situation which exists on the Foyle as search efforts continue for another of our young citizens and this only reinforces the need - if we needed reminding - for everyone to work together to make sure this city and its people get access to the best mental health services.”

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A spokesperson for Derry City & Strabane District Cuncil said: “A working group is currently liaising with statutory, community and voluntary organisations in relation to future service delivery model options for a pilot crisis intervention service for the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.”