Yanis Varoufakis to discuss Bloody Sunday in the context of the suppression of democratic movements worldwide

Yanis Varoufakis.Yanis Varoufakis.
Yanis Varoufakis.
Yanis Varoufakis will deliver a lecture on '˜Bloody Sunday, Brexit and The Democratic Process' at 7.30 p.m. in the Guildhall tonight.

Stephen Gargan, of the Bloody Sunday March Committee, said: “Our committee decided to invite Yanis Varaoufakis to Derry because we believe his experience as former Greek Finance Minister and his current involvement with Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 leave him ideally placed to speak about the seismic global political changes sweeping the world.

“We believe the economic arguments and analysis he advances help shed much needed light and clarity on Britain’s recent ‘Brexit’ decision and what the likely consequences of that decision might be for the north’s border counties, the island of Ireland itself and our future relationship with the UK.”

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After the lecture Mr. Varoufakis will participate in a public conversation with Bernadette McAliskey.

Mr. Gargan said: “Britain’s Brexit decision has clearly introduced an air of anxiety and instability into European politics, which in turn has provoked heated debate and soul searching around the question of the border here and for many this instability has brought the imperative of a united Ireland much closer

“We also felt it was really important, on the 46th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, to invite Yanis to locate those tragic events within a wider, world context, which hopefully will allow people to see Bloody Sunday in a global timeline and as part of a continuum of people across the world expressing their desires and demands for democratic change and also what can happen when those same desires and demands are suppressed with violence and lethal force”.

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