Zero Waste NW AGM at Pilot's Row

Pilot's Row in Derry.Pilot's Row in Derry.
Pilot's Row in Derry.
Zero Waste North West will be holding their annual general meeting this Thursday, June 7 at 7pm in Pilots Row.

The organising committee have invite all those who have been involved with ZWNW in the past, and those who would like to join the growing environmental movement to come along.

ZWNW will celebrate the work achieved over the last year and look forward to the year ahead, nominating the organising committee.

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Maeve O’Neill, ZWNW’s current vice-chair said: “This has been a fantastic year for the environmental movement locally and globally. Locally, our council unanimously adopted the ‘Zero Waste Circular Economy’ Strategy for our council area in December, marking a significant step change for our region, environmentally, economically and socially.”

For more on ZWNW visit their Facebook page or website

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