Ruaidhri Higgins hails Derry City's ability to grind out win at Shelbourne

Derry City boss Ruaidhri Higgins celebrates his side's 'professional' win over Shelbourne at Tolka Park with the travelling support as matchwinner Patrick McEleney looks on. Photo by Kevin Moore.Derry City boss Ruaidhri Higgins celebrates his side's 'professional' win over Shelbourne at Tolka Park with the travelling support as matchwinner Patrick McEleney looks on. Photo by Kevin Moore.
Derry City boss Ruaidhri Higgins celebrates his side's 'professional' win over Shelbourne at Tolka Park with the travelling support as matchwinner Patrick McEleney looks on. Photo by Kevin Moore.
RUAIDHRI HIGGINS was delighted as his Derry City side showcased an ability to grind out a result against a stubborn Shelbourne at Tolka Park to maintain their unbeaten start to the new campaign.

Patrick McEleney marked his landmark 200th start for the Candy Stripes with his 41st goal for the club and while it wasn’t worthy of ranking among his personal top 20, it was perhaps amongst the most valuable even at this early juncture in the season.

A well-drilled Shelbourne outfit had suffocated Derry’s attack for large spells in the game but this result, which incidentally moved Derry back to the top of the table, was a testament to the team’s patience and composure when frustration could so easily have crept into their performance.

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‘Professional’, ‘controlled’ and ‘dominant’ were three words Higgins used to describe the performance. Having previously shown against Dundalk, Shamrock Rovers and a scintillating 30 minute spell against Sligo Rovers their ability to produce an exciting brand of attacking football, on this occasion the Brandywell club displayed another equally important facet to their game.

It wasn’t pretty by any standards with goalmouth action at a premium but it’s a sign of a good team when they can gradually wear down a team and eke out a narrow victory away from home.

“I don’t care what type of goal it was,” declared a defiant Higgins afterwards. “In terms of away performances it was good, it was professional and we deserved to win.

“I didn’t think it was overly tight. I felt we controlled it from start to finish apart from a couple of moments. I thought it was a very good away performance. We didn’t create loads and loads of chances but we had dominance in the game and I thought we were excellent in periods in terms of keeping possession and moving them.

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“Brian (Maher) didn’t have a save to make. I always felt we were in control and felt if we could keep making them chase the ball then it would open up and we would get our chance.

“We made them chase the ball for the majority of the night. We ground them down and we got the goal I felt we deserved.”

Matchwinner, McEleney singled out his former Dundalk teammate Cameron Dummigan for special praise afterwards, claiming the Lurgan man was ‘top of the pops’ and his performance epitomised everything that was good about Derry on a difficult night in Drumcondra. Higgins also described him as ‘exceptional’ and the ‘best player on the pitch’.

The versatile Dummigan was deployed in the injured Ciaron Harkin’s defensive midfield role as the Creggan man sat in the stands offering his support, and he set the tone with an immense performance. The tenacious ex-Oldham Athletic man was everywhere, winning back possession and keeping Derry ticking and he’s proven to be a pivotal piece of the jigsaw.

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With some of the team’s heavy artillery such as Michael Duffy and Matty Smith yet to start a match, and with McEleney merely dipping his feet in the water as he shakes off niggles which have hampered his return to his hometown club, Higgins can expect more teams to set up rigid defences against his talented troops.

And so he will be content in the knowledge that his team didn’t lose their heads and maintained the belief they would eventually break down the opposition’s resolve on a night when it didn’t quite click in the final third.

“They were well organised but we moved the ball well, moved it from side to side and made them run and eventually broke them down.

“We were able to bring on James Akintunde, Matty Smith and Shane McEleney, three top players and we had other players on the bench we could’ve brought on. We’re delighted with the win. This is a difficult venue. It’s going to be tough for teams to come here and win so we’re delighted with the three points.

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“We’ve taken eight points from four really difficult fixtures and we’re only really getting Matty Smith back. Patrick McEleney is getting himself going and we haven’t had the luxury of having Michael Duffy in our team yet and one or two others are just getting going so we’re in a good position and it’s a good points return given the standard of opposition we’ve faced.

“If you take any game in this league lightly then you get turned over but if you treat it with the respect it deserves and prepare in the right manner and remain fully focussed then I think we’re a match for anybody.”

Asked by a Dublin journalist if it felt like there was ‘something stirring’ on Foyleside, Higgins retorted with a typically pragmatic response.

“We’ve had four very, very tough fixtures and taken eight points which is a really good return. It’s just a good start. I’m delighted with the start but we have to remain focussed and double down on our efforts to keep going and not take anything for granted.

“It’s a good return given the standard of opposition we’ve faced. There’s nothing growing. We’ve taken eight points from 12 and need to try and pick up another three next week.”