Derry City Chairman announces cash injection for Declan Devine's transfer budget

Derry City Chairman, Mr Philip O'Doherty delivered some welcome news this afternoon.Derry City Chairman, Mr Philip O'Doherty delivered some welcome news this afternoon.
Derry City Chairman, Mr Philip O'Doherty delivered some welcome news this afternoon.
DERRY CITY Chairman, Mr Philip O'Doherty has backed Declan Devine ahead of the 2020 season with a 30 per cent increase in the manager's transfer budget.

Following the success of last season, Mr O'Doherty confirmed he has granted Devine a budget bigger than any other Derry manager during his 10 year tenure as chairman.

The City Chairman was delighted with the quick turnaround in fortunes at the Brandywell club since Devine and his team took the reigns in November 2018, insisting the management team had exceeded all expectations.

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And he's confident the further cash injection, as a reward, will allow the club to compete at an even higher level in 2020.

"I was absolutely delighted with last season," said the Chairman. "The way we ended the season before was demoralising to say the least.

"This man (Declan Devine) and the team he brought with him and the players he brought in did really well. They met all our expectations and more.

"I think we're in a stronger place now but we still have a fair bit to go in terms of signings.

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"Declan's budget has been increased by 30 per cent on last year," he confirmed. "We haven't increased the ticket prices and we're expecting a wee bit more sponsorship but not much more.

"There's a fair amount of effort put in by the Board of Directors to basically to give Declan a bigger budget so he can compete at an even higher level than last year.

"We're making an effort in terms of increasing the budget and I do think we will challenge again this year.

"Dundalk will be very hard to peg back," he added. "All I can do is my bit and give him (Devine) a bit more for his budget but still keep the club on a sound financial footing."

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With Devine in the market for a striker to replace the goals from David Parkhouse and Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe, the extra funds will be a welcome bonus as the Creggan man continues to add to his squad.

And it's expected there could be some comings and goings at the club over the next few days.