Donegal Half Marathon monthly draw details announced

2021 Donegal Half Marathon winner, Mark McPaul.2021 Donegal Half Marathon winner, Mark McPaul.
2021 Donegal Half Marathon winner, Mark McPaul.
The first of five monthly draws for those who have entered the 2022 Donegal Half Marathon will take place on Thursday, April 28th.

The Kernan's Retail Group is the event's main sponsor again this year, and each monthly winner will receive a €30 Kernan's voucher and a hamper filled with Spar's own brand products.

"Those who have entered the 2022 Donegal Half Marathon before April 28th will have five chances of winning one of the vouchers," commented Donegal Half Marathon Committee Chairperson, Myles Sweeney.

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The 2022 Donegal Half Marathon has been fixed for Sunday, August 28th, in Letterkenny with the usual start time of 9.20 am.

"We went with a virtual half in 2020 because of the pandemic. Last year, the event was capped at 400 and it sold out so, we are hoping to have in the region of 500 taking part in the 2022 Donegal Half Marathon. Entries have been steady to date," the chairperson added.

Meanwhile, 2021 Donegal Half Marathon winner, Mark McPaul, is preparing for the 2022 Boston Marathon which takes place on Monday, April 18th. Mark, who runs with Milford AC, has put in a massive block of training over the last number of months.

He ran 2 hours 48 minutes in the Belfast City Marathon in October and is hoping to run around 2 hours 30 minutes for his first marathon abroad.

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"Training has gone really well and I've upped the miles considerably over the last three months. I'll be meeting up with my Milford AC club mate, Paddy Ryan, who is also competing in the Boston Marathon. Paddy is out there already," commented Mark, who is based at the Kernan's store in Ramelton.

To enter the 2022 Donegal Half Marathon, visit