Pause Drama Group to perform inaugural Alley show

‘Toe to Toe’ in the Alley Theatre next Wednesday (March 11).‘Toe to Toe’ in the Alley Theatre next Wednesday (March 11).
‘Toe to Toe’ in the Alley Theatre next Wednesday (March 11).
Following on from a series of workshops that were designed to help build confidence and develop communication skills through performance, the women of Pause Drama Group will deliver their show ‘Toe to Toe’ in the Alley Theatre next week.

Why not step up to join these local women on Wednesday, March 11 at 7.30pm as they explore and present their unique view of the world.

Pause Women’s Drama Group are performing their own personal experiences, with carefully crafted comic (and poignant) advice, to a selection of powerfully moving memories. Executing their own material, created under the tutorship of Anne McMaster, professional playwright and advocate of drama, this is a showcase that will stay with you long after you’ve left the theatre!

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Inclusion Dance Company will also join them on stage to perform their most recent dance choreography piece ‘Shadows’. This dance troupe of friends and adults from Glenside and Sean O’Hare unit, Stranorlar - who practise weekly in the Alley Theatre - will offer a moving performance. This piece, which has been created especially for the group, has been showcased across the province.

They are also delighted to welcome Jade Kelly, who will perform her story of friendship ‘The Blackbird’, accompanied by Carmel and Charmaine. This will be a fitting tribute to the skills of creative writing and its development into a choreographed dance piece!

Tickets are £3 and available from the Alley Theatre Box Office on 028 71 384444 or online